2, 2010 WTRC
SI changed
Figure 6.2 revised Figure 8.7 revised Figure I.1.2 revised Figure I.1.3 revised Figure I.2.2 revised Figure I.2.8 revised
for the WTRC Race Committee
27, 2010 WTRC
SI fig. 8.2.2 changed to 8.2.1
8.2.2 was inserted in the SI:
member of a team shall race with the same skin."
for the WTRC Race Committee
24, 2010
Groups RR published
for the WTRC Race Committee
23, 2010 WTRC
Sailing Instructions (SI) published
for the WTRC Race Committee
21, 2010
Maps published
for the WTRC Race Committee
February 19, 2010
WTRC NoR Fig. 2.6 extended
Figure 2.6 was extended in the NoR:
"The clearence for takeoff for every team will be approved by ITBYC RC."
PKUlm for the WTRC Race Committee
February 11, 2010
NoR Fig. 2.6 inserted
2.6 was inserted in the NoR:
teams shall be registered with the VTC at ITBYC.org under the
same team name prior to entering. Teams that have already
entered, but are not yet registered with VTC at ITBYC.org shall
register with VTC at ITBYC.org under the same name prior to 21/02/2010."
for the WTRC Race Committee
February 05, 2010
WTRC NoR Fig. 2.4/2.5 changed
Figure 2.4 was changed in the NoR to:
principle a maximum of 20 teams may enter the WTRC 2010.
If more teams register within the registration deadline,
entries may only be accepted if there are at least 24 registered
teams. If more than 24 teams register within the registration
deadline, entries may only be accepted if there are at
least 28 registered teams. If these restrictions are not achieved
the Race Committee decides about the validation of a teams
Figure 2.5 was changed in the NoR to:
"If there should be some free slots in
Round Robin groups, new teams are allowed to enter
during the first racing week. Note: This is only possible if
these free slots can be filled up to 24
or 28 registrations in total (according to fig. 2.4)."
PKUlm for the WTRC Race Committee